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Friday, March 25, 2011

My Top Three Favorite Movies And Actors .(no particular order)

The Toy Story movies are some of my favorite movies because they are funny and entertaining for the whole family. All three movies follow the stories of the same characters and start to feel a connection with them like any other movie or television series. By the third film fans of the previous movies have a connection with the characters that is even more stronger due to the fact that we had to wait 11 years for it!

The Back To The Future Series is my favorite movie series because it mixes comedy, romance, drama and Sci-Fi all into the same movie. The movies are the oldest movies that i can actually watch over and over again without being bored. This is because The movie consists of an amazing cast and amazing writers and director`s.                                                              

Armageddon is another one of my favorite movies because it is suspensful, romantic, dramatic and comedic all in one movie! This movie also has an amazing team consisting of cast, directors , writers, producers and more!


                              My Three Favorite Actors

Seth Rogen is one of my favorite actors because he is very funny, a great actor and can play any part. My favorite part of his comedic acting is his distinctive voice and his sometimes awkward style of acting.

Adam Sandler is also one of my favorite actors because he is the funniest actor i have ever seen and he is also one of the greatest actors period. His comedic genius is used on or off screen as he does a lot of stand up comedy.

Mathew Fox is another favorite actor of mine because he is very talented in suspenseful moments as well as funny moments. Mathew Fox`s best acting in my opinion are the six seasons that he played the lead role on ``Lost``. On ``Lost`` he played Jack Shephard , a born leader and surgeon. Mathew Fox pulled this role off with no room for improvement that is why he is a great actor.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Newborn Thought!!!!

Hey everyone i just wanted you to know that Boy in December has posted a new song on iTunes yesterday, its called "Newborn Thought." It is now on the iTunes store for only 99 cents so if you like Boy In December be sure to head to the iTunes store and purchase Newborn Thought for only 99 cents. Also if you haven't yet be sure to check out there album that is also on the iTunes store you can purchase This album for only ten dollars, trust me its very worth it.

Santeria -Sublime Review.

Today I am reviewing "Santeria" by Sublime. Santeria starts the song out with a soft bass and guitar and then introduces a very distinctive bass riff which is played throughout the entire song.The vocals of the song are very high but are being delivered very nicely by the singer. The lyrics seem to be about the singer trying to find a beautiful woman to fall in love with  : "Santeria - My soul will have to wait till I get back
Find a heina of my own." with "Heina" meaning : beautiful woman..
Good Song
This is the bass from Santeria(Cover)
this song has very distinctive bass in it